When Art Imitates Artist: Interviewing Illustrator and Artist Elmea

An illustrator who draws kawaii punk-rock characters? Check✔️ The illustrator also dresses exactly like the punk-rock inspired characters that she draws? Or rather the illustrator draws characters that look like herself? Check✔️These are a few of the ingredients that make up one of our favorite artists.

かわいいパンクロックのキャラクターを描くイラストレーター? チェック✔️ イラストレーターは、彼女が描くパンクロックにインスパイアされたキャラクターと同じように着飾っている? それとも、イラストレーターは自分自身に似たキャラクターを描いている? チェック✔️ これらは私たちのお気に入りのアーティストを構成するいくつかの要素です。

We caught up with up-and-coming illustrator, model, and style-icon Elmea for a refreshingly sincere deep dive into the influences and experiences that have led her to her singular form of expression. Elmea’s collaborations include album artwork designs for some of Japan’s biggest artists and gracing the pages of punk magazines and even doing collaborations with fashion brands. She even has a recent collaboration with well known Tokyo based street fashion brand Travs. This is one star to keep your eye on for sure.


As a talented illustrator and fashionista, could you share a bit about how you entered those worlds? 

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved drawing. Since my childhood, there’s never been a time when I wasn’t drawing something.  In my high school days, I started exploring makeup and that’s when I got interested in the world of fashion. The reason I experiment with clothes and makeup are still the same – I want to become my ideal self.  Over time, I’ve gradually solidified my identity, and my love for certain things began to manifest in my art. I’m still a work in progress.
物心つく前から絵を描くのは大好きでした。幼少期から今まで絵を描かなかった時期はありません。高校生の時にメイクをはじめて、ファッションの世界へ興味を持ちました。私が服を買う理由もメイクを練習する理由も"自分の理想の姿になりたい" 今も昔も変わらずその気持ちだけです。そうしていく中でアイデンティティが確立していったのだと思います。いつの間にか自分の好きなものが絵にも現れるようになっていました。まだまだこれからも変化し続けると思います。

How did you go about building and developing your illustration skills?

As I mentioned, I’ve loved drawing since I was a kid, and when anyone asked me about what kind of job I wanted, I couldn’t think of anything besides drawing. That being said, I knew I needed to gain more skills to achieve the level I saw in professional artists, so I decided to go to art school. Aspiring to become a manga artist, I enrolled in the manga department and learned to use software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Clip Studio. I found being surrounded by talented peers and rivals inspiring; it pushed me to enhance my artistic abilities. 
幼少期から絵を描いていて、どんな仕事をしたい?と聞かれた時に絵以外は思い浮かべられませんでした。ですがプロと比べて明らかに下手だと自覚していたので、専門学校へ通いました。当時は漫画家を目指していたので、漫画学科へ。そこではPhotoshopやIllustrator、 clip studioの使い方を学び、技術的に大きくスキルアップできたと思います。ライバルが沢山いて刺激も多かったので、画力も大幅に向上したと思います。

Turning to your attire and outfits, they are so unique and meticulously styled. Could you talk about the origins of your fashion sense and if there are specific elements or influences?

I think Watching Disney Channel dramas and being a fan of Avril Lavigne as a kid influenced me, leading to my predilection for motifs like skulls and crosses, black-colored items, and anything cool. I also remember being deeply fascinated by the 2009 manga "Kachi no Akuma" by Yoko Maki. The fashion in the manga was so cute that it felt like a dream for me, since I found the real world I was in less stimulating. When I was 16, I found KERA magazine and that got me into Japanese punk rock and gothic lolita fashion. That was really the starting point for identifying what themes resonated with me and enjoying the pursuit of those styles, leading to where I am now.
小学生の頃からファッションには興味がありました。当時よくディズニーチャンネルのドラマを見ていたり、Avril Lavigneが好きだったり、恐らくそういうところから影響を受けて、スカルやクロスなどのモチーフや、ブラックカラーのアイテム、とにかくかっこいいものが私の好みでした。あとは2009年発売の少女漫画で、槙ようこ作の"勝利の悪魔"という漫画には強烈に憧れを抱いたのを覚えています。ファッションがとても可愛かったので、田舎で刺激のない世界で生きていた私にとっては夢のような漫画でした。16歳の時にKERAという雑誌を見て、初めて現実で日本のパンクロックやゴスロリといったファッションに触れました。そこから好きなものを自覚しはじめ、追求していくことを楽しく感じるようになりました。そして今に至ります。

Are there specific artists, designers, or icons that influence your fashion and illustration?

In terms of fashion, Oliver Sykes from Bring Me The Horizon and Avril Lavigne have been very impactful. Manga like "Death Note" and "NANA" also influenced both my fashion and illustration. Manga artists such as Kentaro Yabuki, Takeshi Obata, Koko Fujimori, and illustrators like redjuice and Shoko Inoue have been particularly influential as well.
ファッションではBring me the horizonのOliver SykesやAvril Lavigneは私に大きく影響を与えてくれた人物です。あとはファッションとイラストどちらにも大きく影響を与えてくれた漫画はデスノートとNANAだと思います。イラストレーションでは、漫画家の矢吹健太朗先生、小畑健先生、藤原ここあ先生、イラストレーターのredjuice先生、狗神煌先生上記の方々からは特に影響を受けています。

Your illustrations often portray dark themes, contrasting with your bright personality. Do these illustrations allow you to express different sides of yourself?

For sure, it’s true that my personality is overwhelmingly positive with very few negative aspects. I think my preference towards dark imagery is probably due to a strong interest in "death" and the "afterlife." I am captivated by society’s fascination in the afterlife: the various cultural extensions of those beliefs worldwide, i.e., the existence of death, gods, angels, and demons, and their depictions in anime and movies. So I choose themes related to these topics and sometimes I’ll channel my real-life frustrations into my art. If my illustrated characters have disgruntled expressions, it might reflect my frustrations at the time.

You've mentioned preferring the quiet life of a small town, yet your fashion style and artistic sensibility seem inspired by a fast-paced lifestyle. Could you elaborate on this?

I actually prefer living a nocturnal lifestyle because the tranquility and presence of fewer people brings me a sense of comfort. Living in the countryside makes this lifestyle possible, creating the ideal environment for me. That being said, there is less inspiration in the countryside at night, which is why I use the internet extensively to draw inspiration from around the world. I follow Korean idols and influencers to stay updated on the latest trends. Instagram and Pinterest are critical tools for me.

We heard you are planning to move to a bigger city. What excites you most about this change?

My first priority is making new friends. Whether they’re into music, art, or fashion – I just want comrades who are working toward something together. Building a network of friends, organizing events, and collaborating on projects is what I am looking forward to the most.

You’re also considering opening a tattoo studio in collaboration with your friend who is a nail artist, combining your illustrations with traditional tribal tattoo art. What inspired this unique blend of fashion, art, and body modification?

I've always been interested in tattoos, but it was only after getting tattooed by my favorite artist, Poison, in Korea last year that I started thinking about designing and doing it myself. I'm still experimenting to figure out what kind of designs I can create. 

You've created album covers for some highly-regarded artists. How do you approach collaborations with musicians, and how does music influence your visual creations?

I have had quite a lot of musicians find me on Instagram and contact me about doing some work for them. For a while, character album covers were trendy, and I think I was fortunate to have a style that fit the moment. The musicians I work with approach me because their tastes align with both my personal and illustration accounts. When working on an album cover, the musician shares their songs with me and I listen to them on repeat while working on the art. This process makes designing album covers truly enjoyable. Ever since I started drawing with music, I don’t like to draw without it.  Music greatly enriches the imagination.

Your style has a punk edge, and you've been featured in punk magazines. What led you to the punk scene, and how does it influence your work?

I've appeared in several punk magazines and it all started with Avril Lavigne. At first, I think I was just visually drawn to the punk aesthetic. I got into loud music about five years ago, and that's when I discovered bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Taylor Momsen, and Motionless in White - their sound had a major impact on my illustrations and fashion. This led to new collaborations and helped me meet more like-minded friends.
何度か登場していますが、原点はAvril Lavigneです。元々パンクスタイルは視覚的に好みなのだと思います。ラウド系の音楽にハマったのは5年前くらい。その世界を知ってからはbring me the horizonやTaylor Momsen、Motionless in whiteから視覚的に大きく影響を受けてよりイラストやファッションにパンクの要素が強くなったと思います。そうするとバンドの方からお仕事をいただいたり、仲間が増えたりしました。

What are some of the bands at the top of your playlist?

I listen to Bring Me The Horizon, Wargasm, and Bad Omens a ton. In terms of Japanese bands, I like CVLTE and Paledusk. Also, not punk, but XG is my current favorite. XG is the artist I've been the most obsessed with in my life. They are a major influence on me both visually and aurally.
bring me the horizon, wargasm, bad omensはよく聴いています。日本のバンドではCVLTE, Paleduskあとはパンクではないですが、XG。XGは人生で一番ハマっているアーティストです。彼女達には視覚的にも聴覚的にも最近で一番影響を受けています

Any advice for aspiring artists?

I'm not sure it’s really advice, but I recommend just going after what you love. Art and fashion that you genuinely enjoy creating will definitely resonate with and speak to someone. In an age where we are bombarded with societal pressures, it's vital to stay true to yourself and not give in to the noise around you.

Can you give us a hint about upcoming projects or collaborations that you're looking forward to?

I'm thrilled about a collaboration I’m working on with an apparel brand; it's my first attempt! The collection will feature pieces with the illustration style I started working on last autumn. I’m nervous, but excited. This could be very big for me. (At the time we interviewed Elmea the collaboration was not out yet but it has since been released. Check her instagram for more details.)

That’s huge, congratulations! We can’t wait to see it all! Last question: if our readers visit your hometown of Himeji, what hidden gems or favorite spots should they hit? 

Definitely visit Himeji Castle; it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site and the perfect place to go for a walk during the cherry blossom and autumn seasons. If you’re looking for good food, I love the burgers at Johnson Burger.
やっぱり世界遺産の姫路城にはぜひ行って見て欲しいです。桜や紅葉の季節は姫路城周辺で散歩するのが好きでした。食べ物はjohson burgerというお店のハンバーガーが好きです。

Follow Elmae at @elmea666 for more of her fabulous art and fashion and to stay up to date with all of her exciting new developments.

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